No one could ever break us apart,
because the bond is made when she's in my tummy ♥
I remember it was on the May 2011, when I came to know her exist in me. I was so panic that I actually bought 3 test kits and tested. All came out to be positive. I was really excited and happy, of cos I feel worry and panic at the same time too. I'm just worry about how to tell my parents about it, but fortunately they're not pissed off and they're supportive. :)
At that time, when I found out about her - she's already 12 weeks plus. I remember I'd the first scan which is the first time I see her, it was at Tampines 1 at Raffles Medical Clinic. It's damn expensive. Haha. At the first check up, the doctor has already tell me that it might be a little girl, therefore I've make it that it's confirm a girl:) And yes, it is a girl! (Y)
I carry her for nine months.
Yes, this nine months ain't a easy one unless you're pregnant yourself. Don't come and tell me it's easy and it's not tiring, bang yourself on the wall than. Anyway, so yes. It's really tiring and not easy. However the first pregnancy was rather a more "comfortable" one. As I mention previously that I don't have much pregnant symptoms.
Still, it's tiring. You'll have to endure the back ache, the urination getting even frequent, the kicks which is the best feeling ever, the weight of your baby in your womb, the leg cramps at night during your sleep, the heart burning feel and etc. However, it's all worthwhile because Shervelle make every second of it worth it.
& so, I carry her for nine months till November 2011.
I remember, on the previous two nights before I gave birth, I was feeling really uncomfortable. Totally uncomfortable. Recover on the previous day of my birth day, and I thought I'm getting better. Later in the night before I want to head to sleep, I'd spotting and my parent rush me to Hospital. And I was told, I'm giving birth!
I was put on drip for contraction. & it's fucking pain that you'll not know unless you goes through it. And I took epidural so I won't feel any pain. I waited from 10 pm plus till the next morning 8-9 am plus and I gave birth to my cute lil'sweetie pie. It took me almost 12 hours enduring the pain and the uncomfortable feelings.
Till now, after I gave birth to her - I've to endure all this back aching and body getting weaker but I've never ever regret bringing her to the world, because she mean so much to me. These pains are nothing compare to her smile and laughter. It makes me feel so happy and energetic having her to smile and laugh :')
Being a full-time Mommy is not easy, especially when you've to work at the same time too. Taking care of a baby ain't easy, it's tiring and it's our, Mommies rights to complaint at times about tired too. Unless you're born a superwoman and you won't feel tired, if not don't tell me it's easy looking after babies.
Look after and taking care is different. Look after is for a moment, for a short period. Taking care of is for lifetime, and it's almost a full time job. Which Mommies won't complain being tired of taking care of baby and also had to work? Like I say, unless you're born to be superwoman. I'm speechless than.
And, it's really funny when you know someone is telling you that if I complain about being tired, she wants to take care MY baby for me. It's really funny and stupid, because she simply don't understand the meaning of taking care. And it doesn't mean that you want to take care, MY baby will let you do so.
Mommy and Baby are bond together, when the Baby is in the Mommy womb. The baby hears the Mommy's heartbeat for nine months and the closest person to her is the Mommy, not even the Daddy. Because the bond is there , the nine months bond is there. It's not like you as a stranger can take care of her.
BabyShervelle resemble me a lot, really a lot.
The fiercest woman is a woman that fights for the kids, because none of the stranger out there deserve our kids, and deserved the chance to look after our kids for us even if we're tired. Therefore, never ever try touching my kids, because they're even precious than my life and they're the gems of mine.
& I don't wish to hear or sees again that you, slut, wants to look after my kids for me. If you ever dare to touch her, I will make sure I slap you real hard, and fight for my kids. However, before you want to have a child. Please do "market research" first, before having one. Because 300 singapore dollars is not enough to support a baby -.- !
Nothing you do can separate the Mommy and Baby.
Because the bond is there and the bond is longer than anyone out there.